In 2018, AI saved a woman by identifying her disease when humans failed to do so. Everyone talks about AI being harmful and a threat to humanity, but clearly, AI can do something way more than plan to take over the world. Artificial intelligence can efficiently and effectively complete human tasks at a faster rate and more in-depth. From writing the code for a website to making a grocery list, AI’s potential is unlimited. Its unparalleled ability to process vast amounts of data and derive meaningful insights presents opportunities for many developments. As seen before AI can also dramatically impact healthcare and the medical world. AI holds the promise of revolutionizing patient healthcare, offering interventions, and augmenting the capabilities of medical professionals. People in need can receive the assistance they need with even more reassurance of a revolutionizing Artificial Intelligence and prestigious doctors. Ultimately, artificial intelligence is more accurate and develops its software quickly to assist humans to the best of its ability.
Artificial intelligence (AI) can substantially boost worker productivity and understanding the abilities of AI is vital to using it to your interests. From tedious duties to intricate data analysis, AI systems can handle a large variety of responsibilities with remarkable efficiency. “AI can improve a highly skilled worker’s performance by as much as 40%” compared to those without assistance states MIT graduate, Meredith Somers (Somers 2023). If used the right way within boundaries it can be very beneficial to your performance despite AI's ethical implications persisting. Especially in the workplace, “thousands of companies are looking to adopt AI” and apply it to their business to receive a more complimentary outcome (Zheng 2021). For example, in industries like finance and manufacturing, AI algorithms simplify operations, optimize resource distribution, and most importantly minimize errors, leading to significant savings and better productivity.
Furthermore, the potential of AI continues in the world of healthcare, where its applications have the power to save lives. In 2018, AI accurately diagnosed leukemia missed by human clinicians, which emphasizes its valuable life-saving contribution to medical diagnosis and treatment planning. “Satoru Miyano, a Professor at the University of Tokyo's Institute of Medical Science, notes that this is proof positive of the potential that AI has in the coming years, "to change the world."(Creighton 2018). AI systems with sophisticated algorithms and access to vast medical databases, can efficiently analyze patient data, identify patterns, and generate accurate diagnostic recommendations. Such a bulk action was performed and executed by AI “in just 10 minutes” (Creighton 2018). Not only did it do far more than it was asked for, it performed the task faster than any human could have possibly done. This capability not only expedites the diagnostic process but also minimizes the likelihood of misdiagnosis, leading to more effective treatments and improved patient outcomes. By monitoring patient vital signs and lifestyle factors, AI algorithms can identify individuals at risk of developing chronic conditions and intervene swiftly to remove these risks. This proactive approach to healthcare not only improves patient outcomes but also reduces healthcare costs by preventing costly complications and hospitalizations.

Last but not least, AI is more accurate and constantly develops its software to provide humans with the best of its ability. “In short, the idea is that such an AI system would be powerful enough to bring the world into a ‘qualitatively different future’. It could lead to a change at the scale of the two earlier major transformations in human history, the agricultural and industrial revolutions (Roser 2021). AI has gone from a robotic mouse that could find its way out of a labyrinth to a powerful quantum computing system for all of humanity. The possibilities are endless and as it keeps developing, humans will get more up-to-date information for themselves. According to Harvard Business Review, “AI is very precise and less than 1% of the time it provides misinformation” (François 2023). Regardless of its rare mistakes, AI always does the best for you most accurately and meticulously.
Anecdotal accounts of witnessing Artificial Intelligence’s positive impact are found through reports such as the news where numerous articles and blogs are found on how AI is making everyone's lives easy. OpenAI and its committee have gained much popularity because of the positive impact they left on society with the release of revolutionary Artificial Intelligence. People are excited for what is to come, and they are hoping for more good results as seen before from OpenAI and their team. Adults, teens, and many more age groups enjoy the addition of AI into humanity and so far, seem to appreciate it according to my anecdotal findings in the real world.
It’s not just normal citizens who seem to like the presence of AI, it’s the government too. “The United States stands to benefit significantly from harnessing the opportunities of AI to improve government services” (2021). The United States government is implementing AI technology into everyday things “including in healthcare, transportation, the environment, and benefits delivery” (2021). The U.S. government is additionally establishing guardrails to ensure safety among its citizens.
Although AI has a lot of beneficial qualities, it still has some flaws and drawbacks. Italy has officially become the first country to temporarily ban AI because they suspect data privacy concerns and more European countries are expected to follow Italy’s steps. Additionally, children and teens are taking advantage of the AI tool, and they are falling behind in their education. This can be very harmful to the future generations to come. Fortunately, President Biden from the land of the free met with a team of science and tech advisors on the issue to assure his citizens of absolute safety and well-being.
In conclusion, artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize society for the better. Despite the ethical dilemma, AI's ability to enhance efficiency and innovation is fascinating. AI constantly improves its algorithm to provide the latest data to suit all your needs. From optimizing economic processes to revolutionizing healthcare, AI ensures society a new era of prosperity and development. By embracing Artificial Intelligence responsibly and using its abilities for the better of humanity, the world will become a better and more advanced place.
Works Cited
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