Written by: Sid Chalamala, Ishan Kothapalli, and Kavin Jaganathan

Is there a faster, more efficient way of changing the lives of humans than how Elon Musk has been working towards bringing Earth one step further into the future? He has 3 companies under his hands, like SpaceX, Tesla, and Twitter. Not only is he planning to change Earth forever; he believes in changing another planet: Mars. His electric cars and self-landing rockets are making the media blow up. From his humble beginnings in South Africa, he turned into a billionaire with some smart business deals and investing into companies that will change not only the US, but the world. Elon Musk changed the world positively and will continue to do so because he is the CEO of Tesla, an electric car company working towards eliminating gas emissions from cars, he founded SpaceX, a private company working to not only create reusable rockets to save money and resources, but also terraforming Mars to deal with issues like overpopulation and for humanity to expand, and he is working towards creating a safe, useful AI for many uses like helping people, doing jobs, and basically giving people superpowers.
For starters, Elon Musk changed the world in a positive way by being the CEO of Tesla, an electric car company working towards eliminating gas emissions from cars and making design plans to give people comfort and luxury while also reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the air. In the article, “Electric Vehicles, Past to Present” by Jenny MacKay, it says, “Gasoline is no longer as cheap or readily available as it was a century ago, and the exhaust produced by millions of internal combustion engines operating around the globe has had negative effects on the environment and people's quality of life. As the needs and demands of drivers and society change, electric vehicles and the possibilities they offer are once again being considered as possible future rivals to the widespread and enormously popular internal combustion engine” (MacKay 33). Also, in the book, Elon Musk: A mission to change the world by Anna Crowley Redding, it states, ” 'What if you could have a car that has more functionality than a minivan, more style than an SUV, and more performance than a sports car?' Elon asked the crowd, pausing. 'That’s the Model X!'” (Redding 137). In the book, Rocket Man: Elon Musk in his own words by Elon Musk, it says, “Today, Tesla introduces Tesla Energy, a suit of batteries for homes, businesses, and utilities fostering a clean energy ecosystem and helping wean the world off fossil fuels. Tesla is not just an automotive company, it’s an energy innovation company. Tesla Energy is a critical step in this mission to enable zero emission power generation” (Musk 64). These pieces of evidence show that Elon Musk created a line of cars that is not only nice and sleek on the inside, but it affects the environment positively by reducing carbon emissions and making electric vehicles more and more common. Based on how much we have used fossil fuels, electric vehicles would save up on the remaining oil and natural gas left, as well as give car buyers an electric car that acts like a SUV but is nicer on the inside and uses a fast-charging charger to get good results.
In addition, Elon Musk founded SpaceX, a private company working to not only create more reusable rockets to save resources, but also working towards terraforming Mars to deal with issues like overpopulation. In the article, “Overview of Tesla and SpaceX Plans”, by James Ayre, it states, "With regard to the direct goals of SpaceX, Musk has previously stated that company plans were originally based around greatly reducing the cost of access to space, and also greatly improving the reliability of such access” (Ayre 1). Furthermore, in the article, “SpaceX” by Gale Middle, it states, “SpaceX planned to send astronauts to the ISS aboard a reused spacecraft. The company has also not forgotten its original goal: to send humans to Mars” (Gale 8). Additionally, it says, “One of the ways SpaceX wanted to save money on space flights was to make rockets that could be reused. Some parts of a rocket burn up in the atmosphere and cannot be reused. SpaceX wanted to find a way to reuse the first stage of the rocket” (Gale 5). This displays Elon Musk’s interest in his intricate end-goals, that include Elon Musk’s ideas of success with SpaceX. Musk believes that space should be accessible to everyone, and that space exploration should increase to expand humanity as far as possible.
Finally, Elon is working towards creating a safe, useful AI for many uses like helping people, doing jobs, and giving people superpowers. In “Elon Musk” by Eric Gregerson, it states that his "plans for the company included enhancing the product with new features, making the algorithms open source to increase trust, defeating the spam bots, and authenticating all humans” (Gregerson 8). In addition, in the article, “Elon Musk has Become the Most Powerful Person in the World” by Allison Morrow, it explains, “Hardly any other person has wielded as much influence over such wide-ranging industries that could define the future of the global economy: social media, space travel, autonomous driving, electric transportation and artificial intelligence ” (Morrow 2). In the book, Elon Musk: A mission to save the world by Anna Crowley Redding, it states, “It’s a type of brain-computer interface that could give you superhuman intelligence...... Elon believes that people already have “some sort of merger with biological intelligence and machine intelligence. To some degree we are already a cyborg, if you think of the digital tools you have-your phone, your computer, the applications,”” (Redding 211). This exemplifies the fact that Musk is changing the world for the better and will go down in history as one of the most influential figures ever. Musk is making technology which defeats viruses and spam bots, as well as immediately authenticating all humans, which makes the product more efficient and trustworthy. It would also increase the way humans live by giving them more intelligence, basically turning people into cyborgs.
Therefore, Elon Musk helped change the world in a positive way because he helped fund and grow Tesla, he founded SpaceX to bring humanity into space, and he is finding a way to create an AI that will help, not hurt people. Elon Musk was a very influential man, who changed people’s perspectives on everyday things as well as advancements to humanity such as space exploration, futuristic cars, and more. Elon Musk, who helped co-found Tesla, brought popularity to electric cars, reduced carbon emissions, and created a cleaner environment. Musk made the Boring Company, responsible for the distribution of a variety of interesting items, such as the Boring Company Flamethrower, and the Loop, an all electric, zero-carbon emission, underground public transportation system. Without Elon Musk, the Earth would be greatly affected. Without Tesla cars using electricity instead of gasoline or reusable rockets from SpaceX, the world would be a lot more polluted because cars would continue to spew carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Space junk near Earth would increase because rockets would stay up there and never come down, unlike SpaceX’s rockets. Without Elon Musk, we would never have the dream of going to Mars, or the dream of AI becoming part of life. Ultimately, Elon Musk impacted Earth in a way no other person had done before.
Works Cited
Anna Crowley Redding. Elon Musk : A Mission to Save the World. Feiwel And Friends, 2019.
Ayre, James. “What Are Elon Musk’s Ultimate Goals? Overview of Tesla & SpaceX Plans | CleanTechnica.” CleanTechnica, 17 Feb. 2018, cleantechnica.com/2018/02/17/whats-elon-musks-ultimate-goal-overview-tesla-spacex-plans/. Accessed 31 Mar. 2023.
Easto, Jessica. Rocket Man : Elon Musk in His Own Words. B2 Books, An Agate Imprint, 2017.
Gregersen, Erik. “Elon Musk | Biography & Facts.” Encyclopedia Britannica, 9 Jan. 2019, www.britannica.com/biography/Elon-Musk. Accessed 31 Mar. 2023.
MacKay, Jenny. "Electric Vehicles, Past to Present." Electric Cars, Lucent Books, 2012, pp. 12-28. Technology 360. Gale In Context: Middle School, link.gale.com/apps/doc/CX1537700010/MSIC?u=j043905057&sid=bookmark-
MSIC&xid=95fbe4a4. Accessed 31 Mar. 2023.
Morrow, by Allison. “Elon Musk Has Become the Most Powerful Person in the World | CNN Business.” CNN, 26 Apr. 2022, www.cnn.com/2022/04/26/business/elon-musk-richest-person-twitter-tesla-spacex/index.html. Accessed 31 Mar. 2023.
"SpaceX." Gale Middle School Online Collection, Gale, 2020. Gale In Context: Middle School, link.gale.com/apps/doc/TOSCGP271486966/MSIC?u=j043905057&sid=bookmark-MSIC&xid=db1e35ae. Accessed 31 Mar. 2023.