An estimate of 125,000 people a year die from Epilepsy. "Around 50 million people worldwide have epilepsy, making it one of the most common neurological diseases globally,' says the World Health Organization. Epilepsy is a condition that greatly troubles and affects the lives of millions of people daily. We as a society should collectively raise awareness for this condition to help the millions of people who suffer from it.
Even though it is often mistaken for a psychological condition, "Epilepsy is not a psychological condition, but it can place people living with epilepsy at a greater risk of developing one." says the Epilepsy Foundation. It is actually a neurological condition that originates from the brain and impacts the nervous system. It is incurable, which is a huge disadvantage and burden for its carriers and their caretakers. In addition, it can develop in a person at any age, but usually targets younger children and elders. This way, you are never sure if or when it'll take place. It's not exactly clear why it develops, but there are many possible and probable causes. These include brain damage, genetics, infections, development disorders, and even unknown factors.
Epilepsy's ongoing effects and risks also persist over time. Its main repercussions are seizures "...which are brief episodes of involuntary movement that may involve a part of the body or the entire body..." says the World Health Organization. Others include loss of consciousness, memory loss, tiredness, etc. These effects can also cause injuries. Epilepsy can also damage your daily life. It can cause difficulties with driving, employment, or even social activities. This can also generate lots of stress that can not only hurt its carrier but also their family and friends. These effects can take place in any environment but factors like temperature, light, and sound can trigger them. However, with the proper mediations, treatments, and management, most people with Epilepsy live enjoyable and fulfilling lives,
Epilepsy is a serious and potentially life threatening condition that affects millions of individuals each year. It has greatly impacted and hurt its carriers. It's devastating that this disease has claimed the lives of countless people. It's crucial to increase our knowledge about Epilepsy, raise awareness, and provide support to people living with it.